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ELRC Collective Agreement 1 of 2020: An Overview and Understanding

The ELRC Collective Agreement 1 of 2020 is a vital agreement that all educational stakeholders in South Africa should be aware of. This collective agreement outlines the terms and conditions of service for all education employees in South Africa, including teachers, principals, and administrative staff.

The agreement, which was signed in January 2020, is a result of negotiations between the Department of Basic Education, the National Union of Education and Allied Workers (NUEAW), the National Professional Teachers` Organisation of South Africa (NAPTOSA), the South African Democratic Teachers` Union (SADTU), and other unions.

The agreement details a range of provisions, including minimum salaries, working hours, and conditions of service. Below are some of the key provisions of the ELRC Collective Agreement 1 of 2020.

1. Salary Increases

The agreement outlines salary increases for all education employees, including teachers, principals, and administrative staff. The increases are intended to ensure that all employees receive a fair and reasonable wage for their work.

2. Annual Leave

All education employees are entitled to annual leave. The agreement outlines the number of days that employees are entitled to based on their years of service.

3. Medical Aid

The agreement provides for medical aid for all education employees. Employees are entitled to choose their own medical aid scheme, and the employer is required to contribute towards the cost of the scheme.

4. Housing Allowance

The agreement provides for a housing allowance for all education employees. The allowance is intended to assist employees in meeting the cost of accommodation.

5. Maternity Leave

The agreement provides for maternity leave for female education employees. The leave is intended to allow female employees to recover from childbirth and to care for their newborn child.

The ELRC Collective Agreement 1 of 2020 is a comprehensive agreement that covers a range of provisions that are intended to ensure that all education employees receive fair and reasonable remuneration, working conditions, and benefits.

In conclusion, it is evident that the ELRC Collective Agreement 1 of 2020 is an important agreement that all educational stakeholders should be aware of. It outlines the conditions of service for all education employees and ensures that they are fairly compensated for their work. As an education employee or stakeholder, it is vital to understand the provisions of the agreement to ensure that your rights and benefits are protected.


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