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A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a legal document that establishes a confidential relationship between two parties. It outlines the information that will be shared between the parties, and the terms and conditions under which it can be shared.

In India, NDAs are commonly used to protect confidential business information, trade secrets, and intellectual property rights. If you`re dealing with sensitive information that needs to be kept confidential, it`s essential to have a well-drafted NDA in place.

Here`s a brief guide on the format of a non-disclosure agreement in India:

1. Introduction: The NDA should start with an introductory clause that states the purpose of the agreement. This may include the names of the parties involved and a brief summary of the confidential information that will be shared.

2. Definition of terms: The NDA should define key terms used in the agreement, such as “confidential information,” “recipient,” “discloser,” and “permitted disclosures.” This ensures that both parties understand the scope of the agreement.

3. Obligations of the recipient: The NDA should outline the obligations of the recipient of the confidential information. This may include restrictions on disclosure, use, and reproduction of the information, as well as an obligation to protect the information from unauthorized access or disclosure.

4. Permitted disclosures: The NDA should also detail the circumstances under which the recipient may disclose the confidential information. This may include disclosures to employees or advisors who need to access the information to perform their duties.

5. Duration and termination: The NDA should specify the duration of the agreement, as well as the events that may trigger termination. For instance, the agreement may terminate automatically after a certain period of time, or if the confidential information becomes publicly available.

6. Governing law and jurisdiction: The NDA should specify the law governing the agreement and the jurisdiction where disputes will be resolved.


A non-disclosure agreement is an essential tool for protecting confidential information in India. By following the above format, you can ensure that your NDA is clear, concise, and legally enforceable. Remember to consult a legal professional to ensure that your agreement complies with all relevant laws and regulations.


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