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NYSE Market Data Agreement With HSBC: What You Need to Know

Recently, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) entered into a market data agreement with HSBC to provide the bank access to real-time and historical market data. This deal is part of a broader trend in the financial industry where banks and other financial institutions are increasingly relying on real-time market data to make informed investment decisions.

But what exactly does this agreement mean for both the NYSE and HSBC, and how does it impact the wider financial industry? Let`s take a closer look.

What Is the NYSE Market Data Agreement?

Under the terms of this agreement, the NYSE will provide HSBC with access to its comprehensive market data, which includes real-time and historical trading data, analytics, and other information on listed companies. This data will be made available through the NYSE`s proprietary Secure Financial Transaction Infrastructure (SFTI) network, which ensures secure and reliable data transmission.

In exchange for this data, HSBC will pay the NYSE a fee. While the financial details of this agreement have not been made public, it is expected that it will be a lucrative deal for the NYSE given HSBC`s status as one of the world`s largest banks.

What Are the Implications of this Agreement?

For the NYSE, this agreement represents an important source of revenue. As more and more financial institutions seek access to real-time market data, exchanges like the NYSE are well-positioned to capitalize on this trend. Indeed, the market data segment has become a key revenue driver for many exchanges, with some even offering data-driven products and services to clients.

For HSBC, this agreement gives it access to a wealth of information on listed companies, which can help inform its investment decisions. In today`s fast-moving financial markets, having access to real-time data is essential for making informed investment decisions and staying ahead of the competition. By partnering with the NYSE, HSBC is positioning itself to do just that.

Finally, this agreement also has broader implications for the financial industry as a whole. Given the increasing reliance on real-time market data, we can expect to see more deals like this one in the future. As more financial institutions seek access to market data, we may also see increased competition among exchanges to provide the best data and the most attractive pricing.


The NYSE market data agreement with HSBC is a significant development in the financial industry. For the NYSE, it represents an important source of revenue, while for HSBC, it provides access to valuable market data. As the financial industry becomes increasingly data-driven, we can expect to see more deals like this in the future, as financial institutions seek to gain a competitive edge through real-time market data.


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