By Growth Bawse / In Social Media Marketing / 0 Comments

Marketing has taken various forms in different eras by targeting the mentality of prospective customers. While newspapers and TV ads were a great way to engage customers at one point, modern marketing techniques are pretty versatile and different from before. As the internet grew more common, businesses focused on developing websites to create an online presence. That’s when the rise of social media marketing began.

Continuing the trend of getting better online reach, social media marketing emerged as a significant game changer for businesses. With more than 4.48 billion social media users worldwide, there is no way better than social media to reach out to potential customers, regardless of the business size and niche.

There are countless social media marketing examples of how it has boosted businesses’ online presence and helped them reach more audiences.

If you’re a business owner looking to enhance your digital presence, this post will help you understand how to build a solid social media marketing campaign for your business.

What Is Social Media Marketing?

Most social media users are on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Social media marketing allows businesses to use these platforms to reach potential customers on these platforms.

It’s an excellent tool for businesses to:

So, what happens when you use social media for your business marketing? Numerous social media management tools can help you design marketing campaigns to reach more customers.

Generally, social media marketing campaigns involve content that maintains a specific brand voice and style.

Depending on the social platform, the content can be of various types, such as:

The idea behind the content is to engage with the customer to help propagate your brand message. Here, it’s important to note that not every type of content suits every social platform. Therefore, if you want your campaigns to be effective, you must target each platform strategically.

Why Is Social Media Marketing Important?

Given the number of social media users, it’s almost criminal for businesses not to have any social media presence. More importantly, the trend of online buying is more common in the younger generations, which makes them the ideal target audience for businesses via digital platforms.

Here are some critical reasons to incorporate social media marketing into your business campaigns.

Social Media Marketing Strategy

While creating social media content is critical for your online presence, it’s more organized than expected. So, you might be tempted to publish more content on social media, but before you do that, ensure a marketing strategy is in place.

Such a strategy will help you to make the best use of your online presence on social platforms and gain more tangible results for your business. Here are some critical aspects to consider for a social media marketing strategy.

1- Setting goals

Start with setting some business goals. It’s the first step in your SMM that should be well thought-out even before you create your business social media account. Typically, your goals determine what benefits you want to earn from your social media presence.

For instance, your goals can be about:

Setting goals for your social media marketing gives your upcoming marketing efforts a better direction. It helps establish more focus and helps align your ideas with your marketing teams so they know the desired outputs of a social media campaign.

2- Research Your Target Audience

Since social media platforms vary in content type, it’s more complicated to predict the success of your marketing campaign on every platform. Therefore, picking your target audience is essential to understanding which platforms work better for you.

Hence, you must start researching buyer personas to understand your audience better. It will involve some historical sales data and possible surveys. Here are some common questions to search for the right target audience.

For instance, if you’re a shoe brand, your target audience range would be higher than a business that sells children’s clothing. You can use tools like Google Analytics to understand how your competitors target their customers.

Moreover, hiring professional business researchers for this role is a good idea.

Understanding buyer personas help you tailor content according to their needs and the social media platforms that they use.

3- Determine Which Social Media Will Work Best For You

Once you have the buyer personas, you will realize that not all social media platforms need to be targeted. At this stage, you can filter out the essential platforms and start creating content for them,

Each social media platform is useful in a different way. For instance, most LinkedIn users are professionals or upcoming graduates. Hence, LinkedIn could be a great marketing channel for your business if your product targets this customer base.

Best Platforms To Target

Social Media Platforms

While many marketing gurus believe that omnichannel marketing is the right way, it’s only sometimes necessary and may consume additional resources and time.

But if you’re in a hurry and want to establish a social media presence anyways, here are some of the top platforms to target:

By opting for the right social media platform, you can improve your chances of establishing a stronger online presence and acquiring more customers through social media posts.

4- Create Unique & Engaging Content

Social Media content

The quality of social media posts is critical in keeping your followers engaged. Here, it’s a good idea to research the type of content your competitors are creating. Then, create similar or better content to compete with them.

On social platforms, user reactions are everything. Regardless of how educational content you create, it must have an element of attraction that generates more user reactions in the form of likes, shares, and comments.

So, it’s worth understanding the content your customers prefer while surfing the internet.

5- Post Content At The Right Time

Bombarding your social media handle with content will never work for your online presence. Instead, it’s critical to get the timing right. According to Google Analytics, you can figure out the timings of your active users.

Hence, following user behaviors and surfing methods helps you to time your content in a better way.

For instance, LinkedIn usage is considerably less on weekends. So, posting on weekdays is a more suited option.
Likewise, Facebook posting can yield better results if you post on weekdays at 3 am.

6- Analyze What Works for You

Social Media Marketing Analysis

Sometimes, you will need to go back to the drawing board. For that, you need to monitor your marketing strategies and evaluate their performance closely. Some platforms are doing better than expected, while others need reconsideration.

With a critical analysis of each platform and marketing tactic, you can master your social media marketing skills to strengthen your online presence.

7- Respond Promptly To Enquiries From People

Social media marketing is all about engaging with the users. Therefore, attending to their queries and responding promptly is important. If you take too long to reply or don’t read the queries, it creates a negative image of your brand and can force your followers to opt for a different brand.

So, whether it’s direct messages, customer comments, or queries, respond professionally regardless of how they might address you.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing gives you ample chances to reach new audiences. Here is a quick look at some of its major benefits.

Enhance Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is critical for a stronger online presence. Having more followers on social media places you as a recognized brand in the digital landscape. Hence, it directly impacts your sales and conversions by bringing more traffic to your website.

Strengthen Customer Relations

Social media is a direct platform for customers to connect with businesses. So, communication is much faster and allows your customers to share their issues and product experiences better. Ultimately, it helps in creating stronger and long-lasting bonds with your customers.

Compete With Other Brands

Comprehensive social media research also helps you to understand your competitors. Hence, you can create better marketing campaigns and social media content to stay ahead of your competition and create a stronger foothold in the digital market.


Social media marketing is straightforward to implement. However, it requires immense research to understand the target audience and the types of platforms that will work best for a specific product or service. Hence, preparing a robust social media marketing strategy can guarantee a better online presence and success for businesses of all sizes.


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