By Growth Bawse / In SEO / 0 Comments

Hey there, fellow digital explorer! Welcome to the realm of local SEO keyword research, where we unravel the secrets to boosting your online presence in your local community. In today’s digital age, local businesses are harnessing the power of the internet to reach out to their neighborhood audience, and mastering local SEO keyword research is the key to unlocking this potential.

Local SEO keyword research is the process of finding local keywords related to your local business in order to help you rank in the local search results. It is the local SEO strategy used by businesses in order to excel. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of conducting effective local SEO keyword research, step by step to help you rank in the search engine result pages. So, grab your virtual map, and let’s navigate the world of keywords together!

Why Does Local SEO Keyword Research Matter?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s understand why local SEO keyword research is so crucial. Imagine you own a cozy coffee shop downtown, catering to locals and tourists alike. When someone in your area enters the search term “best cappuccino in downtown,” you want your cafe to pop up on their screen, right? That’s where local SEO comes into play. By optimizing your website with location-specific keywords, you’re increasing the chances of your business showing up in search engine results when someone nearby is searching for products or services you offer. It is the SEO strategy that the businesses are following to help them rank in the local search results.

How to Find Keywords for Local SEO – Local SEO keywords Research

How to do Local SEO keyword research

When it comes to conquering the world of local SEO, your journey begins with the foundation: keyword research. Let’s break down the process into detailed steps that will empower you to target keywords to elevate your local business’s online visibility.

Step 1: Brainstorm Your Seed Keywords

Picture this step as setting your compass on the right path. Start by brainstorming a list of seed keywords. These are the fundamental terms that encapsulate what your business offers. If you’re running that charming coffee shop, your seed keywords might encompass “coffee shop,” “espresso,” “cappuccino,” “downtown cafe,” and “local coffee.” These basic keywords will serve as your starting point, helping you navigate through the sea of possibilities. Therefore, conduct local keyword research using these seed keywords and you’ll gradually notice the change in the traffic.

Step 2: Leverage Local Modifiers

With your seed keywords in hand, it’s time to customize them for your local audience. Enter local modifiers, those magic words that connect your business to your community. If your coffee shop calls New York home, local modifiers like “New York,” “NYC,” “Manhattan,” or even the name of your specific neighborhood can add that personalized touch. These modifiers not only help potential customers find you more easily but also reflect your strong local presence and help you rank in the organic search results.

Step 3: Explore Competitor Keywords

No journey is complete without learning from the paths others have taken. Research your competitors’ websites and content to identify what particular keywords they’re targeting. Tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs can provide insights into the keywords driving traffic to your competitors’ sites. While you don’t want to copy their every move, understanding their strategy can inspire your own keyword choices.

Step 4: Unveil Long-Tail Keywords

Now, let’s venture into the world of long-tail keywords – those longer, more specific phrases that hold treasure for local businesses. Instead of just “coffee shop,” consider “best cappuccino in downtown NYC” or “quaint espresso spot near Central Park.” These longer phrases capture the intent of users and often have lower competition, giving you a better chance to shine in search results.

Step 5: Embrace Google’s Autocomplete

Ever noticed how Google finishes your sentences as you type? That’s the magic of Google Autocomplete. Take advantage of this feature by entering your seed keywords and local modifiers. The suggestions that pop up are actual search queries people use. Incorporate these suggestions into your keyword list, and you’ll be aligning your content with what people are actively searching for.

Step 6: Analyze Search Intent

Choosing keywords isn’t just about picking the most popular words; it’s about understanding what users intend to find when they search. Someone typing “best latte in Chelsea” is likely hunting for a nearby coffee haven, while another searching “how to brew espresso at home” is seeking guidance. Tailor your keyword choices to align with the intent behind the search, ensuring that your content fulfills users’ needs.

Step 7: Map Out Your Content Strategy

Your keyword journey isn’t just a solitary expedition – it’s a roadmap for creating valuable content. Plan out topics for blog posts, videos, or guides that incorporate your chosen keywords. For instance, if “local coffee shop in Manhattan” is a keyword, craft a blog post about the history of coffee in Manhattan or the unique coffee culture in your area. This strategy not only boosts your SEO but also positions you as an authority in your local niche.

Step 8: Localize Your Landing Pages

If your business has multiple locations, consider crafting dedicated landing pages for each one. These pages can be tailored to the specific audience of each area and feature location-specific keywords. A separate page for your coffee shop in Brooklyn, optimized with “Brooklyn coffee house” and similar keywords, could make all the difference for customers searching specifically in that borough.

Step 9: Regular Keyword Review and Update

Keywords are like trends – they evolve over time. What’s popular today might not be as relevant a few months from now. Schedule regular reviews of your keyword strategy. Analyze which keywords are driving traffic, which ones need adjustment, and what new keywords are emerging. Staying on top of this evolution ensures your content remains fresh and aligned with the interests of your audience.

Digging Deeper: Local Keyword Research Tools

Local SEO keyword research tools

Now that you’re gearing up for a deep dive into the world of local SEO keyword research, let’s expand your toolkit with some additional paid and free keyword tools that will serve as your trusty companions on this exciting journey.

Google Trends

Google Trends is your window into the search behavior of users over time. It not only helps you gauge the high search volume keywords but also highlights any seasonal trends. This tool is particularly handy for local businesses as it allows you to narrow down data to specific regions, providing insights into regional interest fluctuations.


SEMrush is more than just a keyword research tool; it’s your secret agent to spy on your competitors. Discover what keywords they’re ranking for, their organic and paid search traffic, and even their backlinks. This information is invaluable for crafting your own strategy and finding related keywords that you might have overlooked.

Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz Keyword Explorer is another powerful tool to add to your arsenal. It not only provides search volume and difficulty metrics for keywords but also offers insights into organic click-through rates. This information is crucial for prioritizing keywords that have a higher likelihood of driving traffic to your website and helping you rank in the local search engine results.

Google Search Console

While Google Search Console isn’t a traditional keyword research tool, it’s an essential component of your local SEO toolkit. It provides valuable insights into how your website is performing in search results. You can see which keywords are driving impressions, clicks, and click-through rates, helping you refine your local SEO keyword research strategy based on real-time data

Local SEO Keyword Research: Putting Words into Action

Local Keywords for SEO

Now that you have your shiny list of keywords, it’s time to put them to work. Incorporate these keywords strategically into various elements of on-page SEO:

Title Tags: Craft compelling title tags that include your primary keyword. For instance, “Best Espresso in NYC: [Your Cafe Name] Delivers Rich Flavors.”

Meta Descriptions: Write meta descriptions that not only entice clicks but also feature your keywords naturally.

Header Tags (H1, H2, H3): Structure your content with header tags, incorporating relevant keywords where appropriate.

Content: Create high-quality, valuable content that naturally includes your keywords. For instance, a blog post about the history of coffee in your city can seamlessly integrate location-specific keywords.

Image Alt Text: Describe images using alt text that includes your keywords. If you have a snapshot of your signature cappuccino, the alt text could be “Creamy Cappuccino at [Your Cafe Name] in Downtown NYC.”

Tracking and Adapting Your SEO Strategy

Local SEO keyword research strategy

Local SEO is a journey, not a destination. Regularly monitor your keyword rankings and traffic using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Keep an eye on how your chosen keywords are performing and be ready to adapt your strategy if needed.


Congratulations, you’ve now navigated the intricate waters of local SEO keyword research! By identifying the right keywords, optimizing your on-page elements, and continuously refining your strategy, you’re setting sail toward a successful local online presence. Remember, local SEO is an ongoing process, so keep exploring and adapting to stay ahead in the digital race. Happy keyword hunting!


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